Listen to Your Gut But Check Your Assumptions and the Data
Even as a self-professed data nerd, I still find myself itching to go with my gut when I’m faced with a key decision. It’s only natural. We humans sometimes struggle to set aside our fragile pride and accept that another source of information might trump our intuition. In business, it pays to put aside pride. Making a […]
The Deal with Data: 5 Steps to Getting a Way More Efficient Team
As a startup leader, when someone asks you if you’re busy, you’re apt to laugh in their face. You have to laugh, or you might start crying. With the number of things you have to juggle you have to wonder: Do people want you to have a nervous breakdown? While the daily errands, repetitive conversations and dead-end email threads that come […]
4 Ways to Unleash the Power of Data to Transform Your Organization
Many companies get caught in data traps. They focus so heavily on cost and survival that they end up using data as merely a marketing and sales tool. In doing so, they fail to realize the true power of data: It can transform every aspect of a business. Expanding beyond the common uses of data […]
Why the Race for Tech Advancement Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
The path to entrepreneurial success often feels more like a sprint than a steady jog. You race to get your product in front of users and bring on the latest tech options in hopes of leaving your competitors in the dust. In fact, 78 percent of organizations report that achieving digital transformation is high on their priority […]
5 Ways Open Government Data Can Inspire Startup Innovation
When trying to build a successful startup, it’s easy to become so absorbed in your day-to-day profit making so that you neglect the bigger picture. And before long, you’ve fallen out of touch with your target audience and its ever-changing needs. Capitalizing on big data could spur the innovation your startup needs to reconnect with consumers and […]
5 remarkable facts about the future of health care
To most people, “the robot doctor” sounds like the title of a terrible sci-fi movie. But it’s an integral part of the future of health care. The data revolution is already transforming the health care landscape, and if you want to help shape its future (and make a profit in the process), be prepared to […]
Ask the Right Questions About Your Data to Build Business Value
Financier Bernard Baruch once said, “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.” Let that quote inspire you to stop and think about how important asking questions really is. In science, it can mean the difference between routine and making history. And in business, it can separate the safe from the successful. […]
How to Equip Yourself for the Data-Driven Future
Just a few years ago, most business professionals had little involvement in frontline or behind-the-scenes data — and for good reason. Mining data was a complex, time-consuming task. And if you didn’t know the language, translating the information was impossible. But now, the technology is becoming easier for business leaders to use and decipher. More […]
6 ways to save money on labor costs without sacrificing care
Success is all about finding balance: balancing work and family, balancing staying in your comfort zone and pushing the limits, balancing creativity and productivity, and balancing budgets. And for healthcare administrators, the balancing act includes striving for that elusive balance between the high costs of labor and supplies and the high expectations of patient care. […]
Learn to Refine Crude Data, a Precious Resource for a Startup
Data is ethereal, powerful, dense, precious and unrefined — kind of like crude oil. It just needs to be found and processed to generate revenue and create value for your customers and your company. Unlike oil, data is everywhere. From the beginning of recorded time to 2003, 5 billion gigabytes of data were created, reported in 2012. But […]